The Dataliner 9000 full size frame machine has some excellent features. It has a built in air supply system that allows you to connect air lines through out the machine.
It also has a rolling pit lift for exceptionally fast and easy mounting of the vehicle to the chassis clamps. It allows for simultaneous 360 degree pulling, single pulling or even straight-up pulling using 10 tons of power.
360° Pulling Access Multiple Pulls For Accurate Results
360 Degrees Pulls Multiple Pulls
 Pit Lift For Quick Loading Air Outlets All Around The Machine
Pit Lift For Quick Loading Convenient Air Outlets

This frame machine is great for "light hits to hard hits". It will accommodate small unibodies, frame cars, vans and pick-up trucks. Like all our drive-ons, the 9000 is a perfect work station for mechanical work, suspension work, wheel alignment work and body work.

All the Dataliner Drive On Racks are using the same hydraulic equipment.
Technical information
Lifting capacity 3,500 kgs 7,700 lbs
Length 5100 mm 16' 8"
Width 1950 mm 6' 5"
Weight 900 kgs 1980 lbs
Height above floor 490-710 mm 19"- 28"

Go toDL 10000 G  to see the largest drive-on rack from Dataliner

Go to DL 3000 G  to see our drive-on rack with vertical scissors lift

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